Friday, 1 February 2013

Progress Monitoring- Week 4

This week I challenged myself to do a lot of work and overall I think I did relatively well.

Monday- I worked on my health article and made quite a lot of progress, I then set myself the task of completing this during free lessons.

This is the beginning of my double page spread before I carried out the phpto shoot. I have used the same colour and styled banner running across the top of the page, as I did for my first article. This makes my magazine branded and appear professional.
After my photo shoot I placed one of the photos onto the first page to test it's appearance.

I then edited this photo in Photoshop. Using tools such as Auto Tone, Dodge, Brightness/Contrast, Healing Brush Tool, and more.

This was my product after inserting the new edited image and text. I added a breakout box and the main header as well as the kicker.
I then added quote inserts and a shape (bottom right) to fill the page. I also moved the image to the centre in order to break up the text and added a third column, which I think works well.
This was the final product of my health article.

Tuesday- today I began to work on my front cover. At the beginning of the year I created a mock up front cover for a women’s lifestyle genre. I used this mock up as a template and I think that this worked well and made my production a lot easier to do. (See below for the mock up front cover used)

I started the lesson by editing the image of Louise, this was done in Photoshop and didn’t take long.
The original image
This was the image after editing
Adding the masthead, banner and some sell lines.
Wednesday- I continued to work on my front cover, adding more sell lines, a bar code, etc.
Friday- I completed my front cover, here is the final product:
Homework- I was completed my health article as homework, however this proved difficult, due to computer problems I lost a big section of my English coursework before the deadline- therefore my priority outside of lessons this week has been to rewrite that, as it is due today (Friday). If I have any remaining time after completing my other products I may go back and edit this article further, however I am relatively happy with my product.

My fonts were all installed in a free lesson on Monday, therefore the production of my front cover was made easier.  

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