Friday, 18 January 2013

Monitoring Log: Week 2

This week I challenged myself to do a lot of work and overall I think I have done quite well.

On Monday I was meant to carry out “language identification and article planning”. It wasn’t until I started researching into my health article on chocolate that I realised how big this task was, however in the lesson I achieved quite a lot. I chose 3 magazines in the women’s lifestyle genre as my research sources; they included Glamour, Elle and InStyle.  This was very useful and I gained a lot of information for both my health and fashion articles, this will aid me substantially when writing my articles. SEE BLOG POSTS "Language Identification: Fashion Article" and "Language Identification: Health Article"
The work I didn't get finished in the lesson on Monday, I completed in my free period later on in the day. Monday was successful in that I completed the language research, however I didn't get time to start my article planning. I aim to complete this in a free lesson next week, as I don’t have an exam (which meant revision took priority over my free lessons this week). 
Tuesday’s lesson required me to research into any additional information for my breakout boxes. This was successful for my health article, but not for my fashion article. This, again was due to a lack of time, research is a lot more time consuming than I first anticipated when creating my schedule. I analysed a relatively long and factual article that I found online. It discussed the benefits (as well as a few negatives) to eating chocolate. This was very useful, as it covered the same topics as my article will and provided me with lots of interesting statistics that I could quote in my article. SEE BLOG POST "Finding additional statistical research for individual stories/breakout boxes!"

Due to the length of this article and the depth of analysis I did, I ran out of time to do the same research for my fashion article. However, the research I need for my health article is a lot more than that needed for my fashion article; as this will consist mainly of prices and general information. 
Wednesday’s aim was to create and carry out a questionnaire for my fashion article, as well as create sell lines for my front cover and articles. This questionnaire consisted of 5 quantitative questions and 18 girls aged 16-18 completed this questionnaire. In my free lesson I put this data into pie charts to give a visual representation and allow percentages and comparisons to be seen clearly.
The questionnaire was as follows:

Please complete the following questionnaire:
This is for my media communication and production course and will help me when writing my articles for my final piece. Your details will not be published without your full consent and your privacy will be protected.  If you don’t feel comfortable answering the questions then don’t feel pressured into filling them in. Thank you for your help, it’s much appreciated!
Please circle what sex you are:                        FEMALE                                             MALE
How old are you?    ...........
1)      Would you ever shop for clothes in a charity shop?   ..................................
2)      Do you own any clothes from a charity shop?   ............................
3)      Do you mainly shop for high street fashions, e.g Topshop?  .................................
4)      Do you know what the difference is between ‘second-hand clothing’ and ‘vintage?.............................................................................................................................................
5)      Do you think that wearing clothes from charity shops is becoming more acceptable?.....................................
The results were:

Another challenge I set myself was to come up with sell lines to use on my front cover, I did this in a free period and found it relatively easy and quick to do. This will be a great benefit when creating my front cover and will save me time. My sell lines are shown below:

Friday's lesson consisted of me monitoring my week’s progress, as well as checking my blog was up to date and making note of what needs to be done over the weekend and next week. Overall I think this week I have done reasonably well to keep on top of my work, especially as I have had an exam. Next week I aim to complete the 'research into any additional information for my breakout boxes' for my fashion article, I aim to get done in free lessons next week.

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